China Capable Masterclass

Date: Monday 21 October, 2024, 9:00am – Friday 25 October, 2024, 3:00pm

Location: Wellington

Highly interactive five-day masterclass immersing knowledge workers in the complexities of engaging with China in the context of the New Zealand-China relationship.

Masterclass 2 Feb 2017 360
February 2017 Masterclass participants

Learn first-hand from an exemplary panel of global China experts from business, academia, and the public sector as they impart their deep knowledge and experience, facilitated by the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre (NZCCRC).

Expert facilitators provoke critical thinking to broaden mindsets as delegates work alongside New Zealand’s leading China experts to recount real events and develop cross-sector solutions using complex scenarios.

Target audience

Public sector professionals in China roles: This Masterclass benefits anyone working in international or domestic activities who is affected by New Zealand’s relationship with China and China’s growing influence in the Pacific region.

Workshop content

  • An introduction to China
  • Trade, service, and investment
  • Cross-agency crises and challenges
  • Changing China
  • Navigating the future with a China capable mindset


The workshop is facilitated by China experts from the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre (NZCCRC). It features over 20 guest speakers from across New Zealand government and global sectors. See the full list of past and present facilitators and speakers


Next China Capable Masterclass dates:

  • 8 - 12 April 2024
  • 17 - 21 June 2024
  • 21 - 25 October 2024

Download the China Capable Masterclass 2024 preliminary brochure

Download the China Capable Masterclass 2024 full brochure

Email or use the contact form to register your interest in attending a Masterclass.

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