Catching up with Western China: New Zealand's Newest Diplomatic Challenge

Jointly Hosted by the New Zealand China Friendship Society Wellington Branch & New Zealand China Trade Association in Association with New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre and New Zealand Institute Of International Affairs

Alistair Crozier
Alistair Crozier, Consul-General to Chengdu, China

New Zealand established its Consulate-General in Chengdu, Sichuan Province in 2014. Alistair Crozier has served as our first Consul-General since establishment, and has seen New Zealand’s relationship with Southwest China take off over the last three years.

Alistair will share his views on ‘the story so far’ for New Zealand in this fascinating region of China, the market opportunities and challenges we face, and the unique attractions of life in the Southwest – now more accessible to New Zealanders with a new direct flight from Auckland to Chengdu starting on 13 June.

If you are interested to attend this public lecture, please register on Eventbrite.

About the speaker

Alistair Crozier is a career diplomat. Since September 2014 he has served as New Zealand's first Consul-General to Chengdu, covering Southwest China. This is Alistair's third diplomatic assignment in China, having previously worked in the New Zealand Embassy in Beijing as Second Secretary (2000-01) and Education Counsellor (2004-05).

Alistair has also served in Papua New Guinea (2007-09) and Viet Nam (2009-14). In Wellington he has worked on United Nations and Commonwealth, North Asia and Pacific issues. Alistair is from Christchurch and is a graduate of the University of Canterbury. He is married with one daughter.

About Alistair Crozier

Alistair has had an extensive career in New Zealand-China diplomacy. He established and led New Zealand’s first diplomatic post in Chengdu, Southwest China, serving as the foundation Consul-General from 2014 to 2019. This was Alistair's third diplomatic assignment in China.

Alistair has considerable on-the-ground experience in Asia. He has managed crises in education and food safety, negotiated market access for a range of export sectors, and opened new opportunities for New Zealand companies in China.

Alistair worked as Director of the Office of the Mayor of Christchurch, and was the Business Programme Director and South Island Manager at the Asia New Zealand Foundation, where he led a programme supporting New Zealand companies to better understand Asia.

Alistair holds degrees in law and Japanese language from the University of Canterbury, and is a fluent Chinese speaker.

Areas of specialist expertise

Southwest China, China political issues, education sector, trade and business environment

Find out more about Alistair Crozier

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