China’s New Tourists: New Zealand and the Year of Chinese Tourism

Organised by the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre

Date: Tuesday 4 December, 2018, 9:00am – 5:00pm

Location: Oceania Room, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

Chinese tourism is undergoing extraordinary growth and change, but arrival numbers from China have not been consistent and there are questions about our readiness.

Nzccrc Chinas New Tourists


Chinese tourism is undergoing extraordinary growth and change. China’s new tourists are more independent, tech-savvy and seeking authentic experiences abroad. Tourism is New Zealand’s largest export market and China the second largest source of tourists.

But arrival numbers from China have not been consistent and there are questions about our readiness. The 2019 Year of Tourism with China presents an opportunity to discuss how New Zealand can grow this market sustainably.

  • What is the Year of Tourism and what does it mean for China’s outbound tourism trends?
  • What lessons can we learn from other markets that have experienced a Year of Tourism?
  • How are the expectations of China’s new tourists shifting and are we meeting them?
  • How can New Zealand maintain sustainable growth in this key industry and make the most of the Year of Tourism?

This conference brings world-leading experts on Chinese outbound tourism to New Zealand to debate China’s outbound tourism policy and the drivers and shifting nature of the outbound tourist market. It provides insights from other markets that have experienced a Year of Tourism and sets the scene for a national conversation between academics, policymakers, tourist attraction agencies and operators on how New Zealand can position itself in the 2019 Year of Tourism with China.

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Professor Haiyan Song, Mr and Mrs Chan Chak Fu Professor of International Tourism, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Professor Honggang Xu, Dean, School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University

David F. Goldstein, President and Chief Executive Officer, Destination Canada

Professor Philip Pearce, Foundation Professor of Tourism; Distinguished Professor, James Cook University

Professor Chris Ryan, Professor of Tourism Management & Director of the China—New Zealand Tourism Research Unit, University of Waikato

Professor Wolfgang Arlt, Founder and Director, China Outbound Tourism Research Institute

Professor Sam Huang, Professor of Tourism and Services Marketing, Edith Cowan University

Dr Claire Liu, Head of Department, Tourism and Event Management, Auckland University of Technology

Dr Mingming Cheng, Lecturer in Tourism, University of Otago

Kate Deng, Managing Director, Kate Travel

Ken Freer, Project Director, Alibaba, Christchurch International Airport

More information about the speakers

Registration general $50/$30 students & unwaged

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