Past events
Targeting value from agricultural links with China, with Con Williams
Date: Friday 24 November, 2017, 3:30pm – 10:30am
Con Williams is ANZ’s dedicated Agri Economist for New Zealand. Con provides detailed analysis and commentary on all aspects of New Zealand’s major primary sectors and soft commodity markets.
Financial liberalisation and the Renminbi: Implications for New Zealand
Date: Wednesday 25 October, 2017, 9:00am – 5:00pm
Location: Fale Pasifika Complex, University of Auckland, Auckland
- Is China making the necessary reforms to allow the RMB to become a major currency of international transaction?
- How would RMB internationalisation impact trade and investment in the region?
- What channels and conduits for trading in RMB and purchasing RMB products are available?
Wu Man with the New Zealand String Quartet
Date: Thursday 28 September, 2017, 7:30pm – 10:00pm
The world’s premier pipa virtuoso joins celebrated chamber ensemble the New Zealand String Quartet
New Zealand – China FTA: Definition Matters
Global China Seminar
Date: Thursday 28 September, 2017, 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Location: AM 101, Alan MacDiarmid Building, Kelburn Campus, Victoria University
As the FTA upgrades negotiation is underway, it’s a good time to revisit the definitions and consider the ramifications.
'Global green shift: Renewable China' with John Mathews
Date: Friday 22 September, 2017, 10:00am – 10:00am
Location: St Andrews on the Terrace (Church, main entrance), 30 The Terrace, Wellington
The worldwide green energy transition is here, and China is at the helm. Although the reasons have more to do with environmental pollution and energy security than with curbing carbon emissions, China is leading the way and is contributing more than any other country to a climate change solution.
Kerry Brown: 'Xi Jinping: Exercising power in contemporary China'
Date: Tuesday 29 August, 2017, 10:30am – 11:30am
Location: Lecture Theatre 2, Rutherford House, Pipitea Campus
Xi Jinping's leadership is coming to a defining moment with the 19th Party Congress being held in Beijing, People’s Republic of China, later this year. The political direction of China matters for New Zealand, and indeed the world has a profound interest in the kind of leader Xi seeks to become.
‘Geo-developmentalism’: Theorising China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Date: Thursday 17 August, 2017, 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Location: AM 103, Alan MacDiarmid Building, Kelburn Campus, Victoria University – access from Kelburn Parade
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) represents the first time China has presented a grand vision of regional development for Eurasia and the Pacific. However, many remain confused as to what is being proposed and why. This seminar provides a way of conceptualising and understanding BRI activities and assessing its role in regional development.
Toward A Yin-Yang Perspective of Relational (Guanxi) Gatekeeping in China
Date: Thursday 27 July, 2017, 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Location: RHMZ03, Mezzanine Floor, Rutherford House, Victoria University
China is an extremely complex and ‘insider-controlled’ market for foreign businesses. This study investigates how Western companies engage with local market insiders through relational gatekeepers.
Innovation in China: The changing role of government and enterprise, with Luke Minford
Date: Friday 30 June, 2017, 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Location: Lecture Theatre 2, Rutherford House, Pipitea Campus, Victoria University, Wellington
China filed more patents and litigated more IP than the entire world combined last year. What does this mean from a commercial perspective, and what does it tell us about China’s real innovation capacity?
Catching up with Western China: New Zealand's Newest Diplomatic Challenge
Date: Thursday 15 June, 2017, 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Location: Lecture Theatre 2 (RHLT 2), Rutherford House, Pipitea Campus, Victoria University
Jointly Hosted by the New Zealand China Friendship Society Wellington Branch & New Zealand China Trade Association in Association with New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre and New Zealand Institute Of International Affairs
Leader Cults: Propaganda or Rituals?
Date: Thursday 15 June, 2017, 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Location: Lecture Theatre 105 (AMLT 105), Alan MacDiarmid Building,
Dr Marquez argues in this paper that rituals of leader worship have much more wide-ranging political consequences than centralized forms of leader propaganda.
John McKinnon, Ambassador: Scaling up New Zealand's China footprint
Knowledge Transfer event
Date: Wednesday 7 June, 2017, 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Location: Lecture Theatre 2, Rutherford House, Pipitea Campus, Victoria University, Wellington
New Zealand’s footprint in China is our largest offshore government presence with six diplomatic and consular offices, 10 agencies, and 405 staff. How do we use this large presence in China to achieve New Zealand’s goals in China? To what extent does China expect us to be operating a single, whole-of-government approach to the various parts of the relationship? What are the consequences of not being ‘joined-up’?
China and TPP: Rule Making and Trade Gains
Hosted by the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre
Date: Thursday 18 May, 2017, 4:30pm – 5:30pm
In January this year, the US president Trump declared that US would quit the TPP agreement accomplished just one year ago. Where should TPP go after the US decision to quit? Is it possible for China to embrace the TPP?
'Trump, China and the Region: Where to from here?' One day symposium
Hosted by the Centre for Strategic Studies and the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre
Date: Thursday 4 May, 2017, 9:00am – 5:00pm
Location: Hunter Council Chamber, Victoria University of Wellington
This one-day symposium brings together a group of leading international and local scholars to consider and debate what the Trump Administration’s policies might mean for the future of US-China relations and for the security and prosperity of the wider region, including New Zealand.
Jamil Anderlini - China Under Xi Jinping: How China's political rivalries might affect New Zealand
Date: Wednesday 3 May, 2017, 3:45pm – 4:45pm
Location: Lecture Theatre 2, Rutherford House, Pipitea Campus, Victoria University, Wellington
Rejuvenation or stagnation? How might political rivalries in China affect New Zealand’s relationship with China What should New Zealand officials be looking for to get a sense of how current manoeuvrings might play out this year?
Dame Jenny Shipley: Globalisation, Free Trade and Banking - What it takes to achieve Mutual Success in the New Zealand-China Context
Date: Tuesday 4 April, 2017, 10:15am – 11:30am
Location: The Wellington Club, Level 4, 88 The Terrace, Wellington
What lies behind President Xi Jinping’s latest assertions of China’s commitment to free trade? What is China likely to do to promote its regional free trade agenda? What do New Zealand officials need to know to be able to respond to Chinese policy initiatives?
‘What Needs the Bridge Much Broader than the Flood?’ - China and Europe along the Belt and Road
Hosted by the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre
Date: Thursday 30 March, 2017, 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Location: AM 101, Alan MacDiarmid Building, off Kelburn Parade, Victoria University
Beijing is hopeful that with these new trade routes and agreements being constructed, the Sino-European economic relationship can be further enhanced, especially at a time when Chinese relations with other major economies, including the US and Japan, have become more problematic. However, Europe’s place along the Belt and Road has run into obstacles.
John O'Loghlen: The Parallel Universe of China's E-Commerce Landscape
John O’Loghlen's insights into where Alibaba and China’s e-commerce revolution are leading
Date: Thursday 2 March, 2017, 10:15am – 11:30am
Location: Lecture Theatre 2, Rutherford House, Pipitea Campus, Victoria University, Wellington
Traditional patterns of goods trade into China are being upset by China’s huge growth in e-commerce. Officials and businesses need to understand what this will mean for New Zealand’s trade with China.
Gavin Crombie: Go West, Young Man
Why New Zealand should turn their attention to the South West of China
Date: Thursday 23 February, 2017, 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Location: MFAT, Lambton Quay, Wellington
Why New Zealand should turn their attention to the South West of China The Three Rules of Investment in China - how this impacts on New Zealand companies trying to raise Chinese Capital.
Cross Agency Forum: Engaging with China
The role of the Consulates-General
Date: Thursday 1 December, 2016, 3:15pm – 4:45pm
Location: Asia New Zealand Foundation, Level 16, Fujitsu House, 141 The Terrace, Wellington
An opportunity for agency leads to talk to current Consuls-General about their agency’s plans to engage with China, and the services the Consulate network provides in making interactions with Chinese officials easier and more successful.
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